Tenant Favorable Lease Clauses

Tenant Favorable Lease Clauses


If you are renting commerical real estate in Arizona, you need to add clauses to your lease that protect you as a tenant from the typical extremely one-sided landlord favorable lease.

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This legal form contains 16 tenant favorable clauses. It is intended to be added as an exhibit or addendum to an Arizona residential lease. The form contains clauses that are not usually found in most residential leases, all of which are slanted in favor of the tenant.

For more information on the clauses, see Arizona real estate attorney Richard Keyt’s Webster’s article called “Arizona Residential Tenant’s Rights.

Immediately after paying our system will send you an emamil message with the form attached. You may open the form in MicroSoft Word or your other word processor and beginning editing the form for your residential lease.

This form is drafted to comply with Arizona law and should not be used in any other state without first revising it to comply with the law of the state in which it will be used. Because of the digital nature of the product, we do not give refunds.

Learn more about the contents of our Tenant Favorable Lease Clauses.


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