Tenant’s Application to Rent a Residence

Tenant’s Application to Rent a Residence


Use this Adobe pdf fillable form to collect information from a prospective tenant so you can investigate whether or not to lease an Arizona residential property.



Before you agree to lease an Arizona residence to a prospective tenant you must ask the prospect to complete and give you an Application to Rent Residential Property and inform the prospect that the lease is subject to the landlord’s approval.  Make it easy on yourself and use our Adobe pdf fillable form Application.

Disclaimer:  If you purchase this form, you are buying a product from Richard Keyt and KEYTLaw, LLC. (collectively the “Firm”), and you are not hiring the Firm to provide any legal services or legal advice or represent you in any capacity.  If you modify the form in any way, you are solely responsible for the legal affect of the changes you make.  The form is drafted to comply only with Arizona law because Arizona is the only state where Richard Keyt is licensed to practice law.   Do not use this document in any state other than Arizona without first having it reviewed and modified as necessary by an experienced attorney in the state where you intend to use the form.  The Firm makes no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to this form.  The Firm disclaims all warranties for fitness for a particular purpose.


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